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More Than Meets The Eye: Using ChatGPT to Transform your Teaching

Jim Hambel |
August 16, 2023

If you’ve ever heard of Transformers, you’ve probably heard of the famous Optimus Prime. The character is voiced by Peter Cullen. Peter based the character on his brother, who is a Canadian Marine. Before Peter auditioned, his brother told him the character should be “Be strong enough to be gentle.” I grew up loving Transformers. These are autonomous beings from a fictitious planet called Cybertron. Transformers are not real (ChatGPT told me so). ChatGPT is. From an early age, fans like myself have seen how humans and AI have collaborated. ChatGPT is a powerful tool. Using it responsibly, it can have many benefits that assist educators provide high quality equitable programs. 

What does “More than meets the eye” mean? It basically means that there is so much more to them than a first impression might imply.  GoogleBard.  However, I use ChatGPT considerably more. I even used it to write most of this article. It gave me the outline and I expanded on the ideas it provided. AI can help with writing, but I find it’s a powerful tool. With all tools, you have to be able to use it well. 

Question from someone in the back. “Jim, you wrote an article on the Matrix and Star Wars. Now, it’s about Transformers?” Well as many fans like myself grew up with the wisdom and lessons from Optimus Prime. You might think transformers are just toys that are cars and robots. In fact, the original 1986 movie, Optimus Prime perishes. Why? Simply to introduce new toys and characters. OP was so beloved, there was backlash. It’s impossible to compare ChatGPT to robots. However, there are many lessons and takeaways that do exist.

What is ChatGPT
What is ChatGPT

I asked ChatGPT this very question and this is what it said:

ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI that has the potential to revolutionize education by providing students and teachers with a powerful tool for learning and teaching. Here are some of the benefits of using ChatGPT for education:

Personalized learning: ChatGPT can provide personalized learning experiences for students by adapting to their unique learning styles and preferences. It can analyze student data and provide customized feedback and recommendations, enabling students to learn at their own pace and in their own way. ChatGPT can provide personalized learning by analyzing and understanding the unique learning needs and preferences of each individual student. Here are some ways in which ChatGPT can achieve this:

Adapting content: ChatGPT can adapt the learning content based on the student’s learning style, pace, and level of understanding. For example, if a student prefers visual aids, ChatGPT can provide images, videos, or diagrams to explain a concept.

Identifying knowledge gaps: ChatGPT can identify areas where the student may have gaps in their knowledge and provide targeted explanations or resources to help fill those gaps.

Customizing learning paths: ChatGPT can create customized learning paths for each student based on their interests and goals. For example, if a student wants to learn about a particular topic, ChatGPT can provide resources and activities related to that topic.

Providing feedback: ChatGPT can provide feedback on the student’s progress and suggest areas where they can improve. This feedback can be personalized to the student’s strengths and weaknesses.

Offering support: ChatGPT can offer personalized support to students who may be struggling with a particular concept or topic. For example, ChatGPT can provide additional resources, examples, or practice exercises to help the student understand the material better.

Improves critical thinking skills: Using ChatGPT can help students improve their critical thinking skills by encouraging them to ask questions, evaluate information, and analyze data. This can help them become more independent learners who are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Enhances creativity: ChatGPT can be used to generate new ideas, brainstorm solutions to problems, and provide inspiration for creative projects. This can help students develop their creativity and imagination, which are essential skills for success in the 21st century.

Supports language learning: ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for language learners by providing them with opportunities to practice their skills in a natural, conversational way. Students can practice speaking and writing in the target language and receive instant feedback and corrections from ChatGPT.

There are articles that discuss this as well. Personally, I have used ChatGPT to help with writing anything from this article to lesson plans to finding recipes. For me, it’s about promoting equity. When I use ChatGPT, I have to know what I am looking for. Often, ChatGPT will let me know it cannot complete my request. Let me show you some examples of how truly amazing this technology is. 

As someone who bowled for over 30+ years, in the bowling Hall of Fame, a member of the Professional Bowler’s Association, and someone who has done global webinars and workshops on bowling, I feel adept to evaluate the authenticity of a rolling lesson plan. 

My inquiry: Write a lesson plan for underhand rolling for 3rd grade that aligns with the New York state physical education standards

Lesson Plan: Underhand Rolling for 3rd Grade

Subject: Physical Education

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Duration: 45 minutes

Materials Needed: Foam or soft balls, cones or markers for boundaries, a whiteboard or chart paper, markers, and a video camera or smartphone.

New York State Physical Education Standards:

    • Standard 1: Personal Health and Fitness: Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
    • Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment: Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
    • Standard 3: Resource Management: Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.
    • Standard 4: Interpersonal Relationships: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
    • Standard 5: Movement Skills and Concepts: Students will demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.



By the end of this lesson, students will be able to perform an underhand roll with proper technique, demonstrate an understanding of the rules and safety guidelines, and apply movement concepts in a game setting.


Observation of student performance during the lesson and video recording of student underhand rolls for assessment and feedback.


Introduction (5 minutes):

– Introduce the lesson topic, underhand rolling, and its importance in various sports.

– Discuss the safety guidelines for the activity, such as maintaining personal space, throwing only when instructed, and staying within the boundaries.

Warm-up (10 minutes):

– Set up cones or markers for boundaries.

– Have students jog around the designated area, then switch to skipping, hopping, or side-stepping.

– Introduce the ball and have students practice dribbling it around the area.

Instruction and Demonstration (15 minutes):

– Explain the proper technique for underhand rolling, emphasizing the importance of proper footwork and arm positioning.

– Model the technique with a demonstration, and have students practice the technique without the ball.

Practice (15 minutes):

– Divide the class into small groups and have them practice the technique with a partner, rolling the ball back and forth to each other.

– Monitor students’ technique and provide feedback and corrections as needed.

Game (5 minutes):

– Have students apply the technique and concepts learned in a game setting, such as a relay race or a team game.

– Remind students to use proper technique, follow the rules, and be aware of safety guidelines.

Closure (5 minutes):

– Review the key concepts covered in the lesson, including proper technique, rules, and safety guidelines.

– Ask students to reflect on their performance and identify areas for improvement.

– Record and review video of student underhand rolls for feedback.


– Have students practice underhand rolling with different types of balls, such as foam balls or basketballs, to develop hand-eye coordination and motor skills.

– Assign students to create their own game using underhand rolling as a key skill.

I would have to modify certain aspects of this lesson. My PE program uses centers. Having students dribble a ball doesn’t make much sense for the skill we are trying to learn though. It does offer a lot of student choice such as having students create their own game. It should be noted there is a “regenerate response” button if you’re not happy with the response. I edited my inquiry.

Inquiry: write a lesson plan for 3rd grade about bowling that aligns to new york state physical education standards

Lesson Plan: Introduction to Bowling for 3rd Grade

Subject: Physical Education

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Duration: 45 minutes

Materials Needed: Foam or lightweight bowling pins, lightweight bowling balls, cones or markers for setting up lanes, a whiteboard or chart paper, markers, and a video camera or smartphone.

New York State Physical Education Standards:

    • Standard 1: Personal Health and Fitness: Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
    • Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment: Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
    • Standard 3: Resource Management: Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.
    • Standard 4: Interpersonal Relationships: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
    • Standard 5: Movement Skills and Concepts: Students will demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.



By the end of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate proper bowling technique, understand the basic rules of bowling, and apply movement concepts in a bowling game setting.


Observation of student performance during the lesson and participation in the bowling game.


Introduction (5 minutes):

– Introduce the lesson topic, bowling, and its history as a recreational sport.

– Discuss the importance of teamwork, cooperation, and physical activity in bowling.

Warm-up (10 minutes):

– Set up cones to mark boundaries for bowling lanes.

– Have students engage in dynamic warm-up activities such as jogging, jumping jacks, and arm swings to prepare their bodies for physical activity.

Instruction and Demonstration (10 minutes):

– Explain the basic rules of bowling, including the objective of knocking down the pins and the use of a lane and foul line.

– Demonstrate the proper bowling technique, including grip, approach, and release.

Practice (15 minutes):

– Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a lane.

– Provide foam or lightweight bowling balls and pins for each group.

– Instruct students to take turns practicing their bowling technique, aiming to knock down the pins.

Game (10 minutes):

– Organize a friendly bowling game in which each student has two chances to knock down the pins.

– Emphasize the importance of taking turns, cheering for teammates, and respecting opponents.

Discussion and Reflection (5 minutes):

– Lead a class discussion about the experience of bowling, the challenges faced, and the teamwork involved.

– Ask students to share their thoughts on what they learned and enjoyed during the lesson.

Closure (5 minutes):

– Summarize the key points of the lesson, including proper technique, rules, and teamwork.

– Remind students of the importance of staying active and participating in physical activities.


– Encourage students to explore more about the history of bowling and its evolution as a sport.

– Assign students to create a simple poster or write a short paragraph about their favorite part of the bowling lesson.

It missed the new 6th standard but this was a pretty solid lesson plan. If I switch over to SlidesGPT, it can make a Google Slides deck that I can use to teach this lesson plan. If this was an introduction lesson, I’d include different ways to increase or decrease difficulty. If you click this you can see the SlidesGPT I created based on the same question. Some of the pictures do not match up, but it provides a good skeleton I can use to edit. 

How can I use this for reading? Stuck on finding texts that appeal to all learners of your class? Use ChatGPT to create your own story! 

Inquiry: Create a children’s book based on Fountas and Pinnell reading level I

Title: “The Magical Adventures of Luna the Lovable Bunny”

Chapter 1: Luna’s Mysterious Discovery


Once upon a time in a cozy forest, there lived a lovable bunny named Luna. Luna was curious and adventurous, always ready for a new adventure. One sunny morning, while hopping through the meadow, Luna spotted a shiny, colorful egg hidden behind a bush. She couldn’t believe her eyes! With a gentle hop, she picked up the egg and cradled it in her paws.

Chapter 2: Luna’s Enchanted Egg


Luna took the egg to her cozy burrow and placed it in a soft bed of leaves. She sat beside it, wondering what could be inside. As the sun set and the moon rose, the egg began to glow and shimmer. A crack appeared on its surface, and with a soft POP, a tiny, giggling creature emerged – a pixie named Pip!

Chapter 3: Pip’s Playful Magic


Pip had sparkling wings and a mischievous grin. Luna and Pip quickly became friends. Pip could do all sorts of magical tricks, like making flowers dance and leaves twirl. Luna and Pip spent their days playing hide-and-seek and exploring the forest together, creating laughter and magic everywhere they went.

Chapter 4: The Great Pixie Picnic


One day, Luna and Pip decided to invite their forest friends to a grand picnic. Luna’s bunny friends brought carrots, squirrels brought nuts, and birds brought berries. Pip used her magic to make the food taste even yummier. They danced, laughed, and shared stories under the warm sun.

Chapter 5: The Curious Conundrum


One morning, Luna and Pip noticed strange footprints leading into the deep woods. They followed the footprints, their hearts pounding with excitement. Along the way, they discovered a hidden cave with sparkling crystals. But just as they were about to explore further, a tiny voice echoed, “Who dares enter my domain?” It was an old and wise forest owl named Olliver.

Chapter 6: Olliver’s Wise Wisdom


Olliver revealed that the crystals held the magic of the forest, and their glow kept the forest safe and vibrant. But the crystals were fading, and the magic was disappearing. Luna and Pip knew they had to find a way to restore the magic and save their beloved home.

Chapter 7: Luna and Pip’s Daring Quest


Luna and Pip embarked on a daring quest, facing challenges and solving riddles. They ventured through enchanted valleys, crossed bubbling streams, and climbed high mountains. Along the way, they collected precious items that would help them restore the magic.

Chapter 8: The Heartwarming Finale


After many adventures, Luna and Pip reached the heart of the forest, where a magical well shimmered. Using the precious items they had gathered, they performed a heartwarming ritual that reignited the forest’s magic. The crystals glowed brighter than ever, and the forest came alive with color and song.

Epilogue: Forever Friends


With the forest’s magic restored, Luna, Pip, and all their friends celebrated with a grand feast. Luna and Pip’s friendship was stronger than ever, and they promised to share their adventures with everyone. From then on, the forest thrived with joy, laughter, and endless magic.

And so, Luna the lovable bunny and Pip the playful pixie continued to have magical adventures, sharing their love and friendship with the world, ensuring that the enchantment of their forest home would live on forever.

As you can see, this is a pretty engaging story. However, for students at a Level I, it would require more elements such as pictures and be more student friendly. ChatGPT is a tool that provides equitable experiences. The keyword is tool. This is but a small sample of the power of ChatGPT. In closure, I asked “How can i use the wisdom of optimus prime to be a better teacher?” There were more than a few answers but this was my favorite: “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.” – Optimus Prime

Teach your students important values such as empathy, responsibility, and respect for others. Help them understand that these values are essential for a harmonious society.


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Jim Hambel
Jim Hambel is an elementary Physical education teacher in New York City. He has a teaching license in PE as well as general education and special education grades 1-6. Jim is a member of the professional bowlers association. He is also a member of the US Bowling Hall of Fame. Recently he received the award for the 2020 NYS AHPERD Elementary PE Section Amazing Person and 2021 Dr. R. Doris Corbett Johnson Leaders for Our Future Award. He has a beautiful wife and two amazing daughters.

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