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I am Dr. Samantha (Sam) Fecich, an Assistant Professor at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania.

I am Dr. Samantha (Sam) Fecich, an Assistant Professor at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. I teach courses related to …

Teachers Adjust to Teaching From Home

My alarm goes off at 7:30 a.m. and as I press snooze for the 3rd time, I have no sense of urgency …

Careful and intentional planning prior to starting the school year can help ensure a successful year with students.

As Elementary school teachers around the world embark upon another school year campaign, students are welcomed back to glistening room decorations, creative …

Have you ever had a kindergarten class one period and then fifth grade the next? This is what makes us highly effective teachers and in turn allows us to provide cohesive and appropriate learning opportunities for our students.

Think of the last time you went bowling. How long ago was it? What do you remember about the place? I’ve been …